Mini golf - and how it relates to life - 18 stages of life.


Have you ever played mini golf? It is a simple game of golf with obstacles in the way. It has a fixed set of goals to be accomplished and you enter in with your tee and ball. Each person is playing his own game of life there! Similar to real life. You will have company in the form of participants in your game but they cannot play for you. It is you who has to do the perfect shots and get there.
Magic happens in some of the shots and you fly be with a hole-in-one! That is when your lady luck is smiling upon you! 
But there are those tough ones which seems easy from a distance just like a mirage. But when you approach closer you realize the pain points. As in life, some stages of life look easy when you are a kid, but when you reach the crucial point in life when you are graduating from college and looking for a job. As a kid that stage of life seems easy but in reality those are the toughest points in life. 

The next stage is the marriage portion of life which is the hardest! The question of who is that perfect soul to share the journey of mini golf is like searching for a ball lost in the huge bushes around the terrain. 

Everyday is different in mini golf. Sometimes even the easiest of terrains are the hardest! No one knows why no two days are similar. As in life, some days are toughest and you have to seek the core of energy to get through the tough portion.

When you are half way through the course of 18 holes, something strikes you, you realize that it is not the act of winning but the act of sticking to it and completing the course successfully that counts! There you go! It is like the mid life crisis when you realize the futality of all that you had been fighting for. 

When you reach the shots where you have to hit out of the park just as in that last presentation before the CEO or the group manager and you feel like you got this! But alas, it goes into the lower portion of the terrain and there is more work to do.

Sometimes you lose the ball to the water stream flowing nearby and then you wonder what could I have done differently. The holding of the tee the angle of the ball etc.
You modify some of the parameters and there you made it!

Some stages in life require introspection and thinking before performing an action.

Try and try till you succeed is what you can draw upon as the lesson you learn at the end of the course. 
When you reach the hole 18 a sigh of relief!! that I could stand through this course of life! Whew!! But not for long. The ball has to be returned and the bell has to be rung and win prizes!
Then comes the final tally of scores! The highest score is not the winner!! (what a pity) The lowest scorer is the winner.

Hang in there pal! We almost got through. There you have it, you made it till the end and realize that another round of 18 hole course awaits you just like in life, after one milestone comes another.! Keep walking ahead there is more to come!


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