Learning and how does it affect you?


Learning is important in every stage of life. There is no point in life where the person can claim that "I have the complete knowledge". There are still things to learn and appreciate. Being humble and receptive to the ideas and thoughts that are being learnt is essential to grow in your path of life!
Growth happens when you want it to happen and it is organic. Nothing changes overnight. Research states that it takes 21 days of continuous effort to change a habit.  Here are some essentials to know when you want to change the way leading up to your new sense of realization.

1. Making a habit is the first step of learning.
2. Release all grudges and ill feeling.The ill feeling harms you more than the other person.
3. No one remembers the time you failed, they only remember your wins so it is no use clinging on to it.
4. The elation of winning is short lived, there is always the next best thing to win as in life.
5. Trying continously to raise your standards should be your focus.
6. Seeking help when needed is crucial to come out of the darkness.

A short acronym for learning:

L - Look for opportunities
E - Enjoy the process to learn
A- Attempt to try it out.
R - Repeat the process.
N - Negotiate your way to accomplish projects.
I - Increase your visibility.
N - Numb the nay-sayers of your mind.
G - Graduate to the next level

Learning stimulates your curiousness and your interest in the subject. The benefit of learning from a teacher is un paralleled. You learn a lot from another person's behaviour so keep following. 

Relationships are created by learning the interests of the other person and your potential increases in return. 

Being inquisitive sets you on the right track and ups your influence potential. Your speed of comprehension drives your ability to move up in your life. Every growth requires some sacrifice.The extent of your sacrifice determines your level of growth.

"No pain no gain" is a valid adage! Keep raising your standards to jump to the next level!
See the sunrise of knowledge in your mind!

Happy Learning!



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