Resilience: Keep doing the work and you are bound to be resilient!


As the picture captured from the ASQ quality progress publication above shows, the most difficult part is standing through criticism at work. Things can go wrong, the most important aspect is how do we bounce back. Resilience is bouncing back from a difficult loss or failure.  

There are multiple ways to develop resilience. Long distance runners and professional athletes have loads of resilience built into them. It takes a lot of mind training to reach the point where you can effortlessly blend the task of acceptance of loss. 

As you know the Pareto charts are used by quality groups in an organization to track the well being of the project. In the cartoon skit above, the pareto head is humanized to teach soft skills to users. There comes the problem! A human can accept and discuss the flaws of lot many people around him, but find it difficult to accept one's own flaws and shortcomings. The world is a mirror and you are surrounded by people of your own kind for the most part. It takes a good looking at your immediate surroundings to decipher this!

You can develop resilience by nurturing the following traits as you BUCKLED.

1. Brush off the losses and bounce back with renewed energy for something new. 
2. Unlock your potential to achieve more.
3. Choose an attitude that will help you grow.
4. Kindness to everyone - goes a long way.
5. Let your power to control your mind shine in the battle in your head have a great win.
6. Eagerness to learn from anyone in the organization.
7. Drive with passion to your destination.

Hope you choose the "Yes" over the "No" in every situation that demands "keeping your head" in check.

Keep doing the work and you are bound to be resilient! Never reach a conclusion.

Balance, Bounce and Bravery till the end to win! 


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