Kernel Mode and User Mode in Reality!

Kernel Mode = Most privileged, Soul inside 

User Mode = Less privileged, Mind mode which is materialistic and wants to control the outcome!

The kernel mode has not security, it is limited to 16 bits. There is a fixed boot address 0x7c00 to boot the operating system. This is like a child who retains memory fully starting at 7 years old. There is nothing to be guarded there since the individual is too small to think and take actions for himself.

The different code segments in the memory are the different areas of emotion, thought, memory from the past and the data segment is the current operation that you are performing.

If there is overlap in the code segments, the kernel is going to be functioning incorrectly, very similar to what happens to human mind when there is overlap of emotions, memory and confusion!

Care has to be taken to make sure that each segment is accessed separately and handled correctly. There should be no mash-up of different areas in the brain at any point of time. Growth is essential at any cost! We have less evolved beings because we have not provisioned for the growth of all beings. Without growth there is no progress in the environment and the world!

It is important to maintain sanity in the whole process. If the kernel signals to the mind that there is a memory overlap, the mind has to stop and service that interrupt rather than not listening to the soul and moving forward! Each time you move forward without listening to the soul you are losing some portion of the ability of the kernel to provide interrupts. You are sacrificing the growth of the soul for the mind to succeed!

Hence it is essential that the mind and soul work in unison and mind has to listen to the soul for complete end to end growth. Otherwise the growth is superficial and not complete.

SYNC your mind

S - Separate the different emotions

Y - yield to the interrupt from the soul (Listen to what your small voice in the head is saying)

N - Navigate common ground

C - Climb up into the higher plane from the kernel when in confusion! (Look at the bigger picture)

Always Maintain the unison!!


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