Multitasking : good or bad?


Multitasking is it good or bad? There are so many things to do in a day! In variably you end up stepping on one foot or the other. But there is a way to get out of this endless baggage of things to do! Creating independent functioning individuals is our creation goal!
How do we achieve this?

Studies have shown that multitasking provides benefits in the beginning then the dis-advantages outweigh the troubles. As the diagram above if you are doing one task at a time you are giving 100% to it. At 2 tasks you are giving 50% give or take to the task. At 3 tasks you are giving < 50% to each task. At 4 tasks you are giving <25%. 

So why do we do it? Initial advantages suggest that you feel you are on steroids when you finish one task in the background while performing another task. The ego is boosted that you can finish quicker than others in the same amount of time. As the number of tasks increase the time to context switch your activities is more time consuming than doing the activity itself. 

How about combining listening to a podcast and writing a journal about it. That is not multitasking since you are doing what you started off doing. 

On the other hand listening to a conference while finishing an assignment is a tragic story. You have not paid attention to the speaker, neither have you written a correct assignment.

One task at a time has advantages: 

There are some known ways of doing this. 
1. Make a to-do list and strike them off
2.  Concentrate on one task and complete it fully.
3. Practice mindfullness to stick to one task.

What about watching TV while working on the computer? This is debatable. You can get some work done like checking emails, answering something that is not proirity one. Listening to music while working is a positive for some, since it helps them to shut out the outside noise. Doing serious priority one work requires no distraction!

So choose the tasks in which one is insignificant and the other is significant. You can limit the number of tasks to two always! More than two is a disaster waiting to happen! Never cook and multitask. Choosing tasks that complement each other is a good use of time!

Practice mindful techniques to focus. Listen always to podcasts and meeting and do not check messages until after the call or the meeting. Checking iphone messages and waiting to tweet or facebook are distractions that can be avoided completely!!! 

Priortize and attack the to-do list! 

Also read:,by%20as%20much%20as%2040%25.


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