Fear is the biggest extinguisher of the fire of innovation in a human mind!

 Fear is the biggest extinguisher of the fire of innovation in a human mind!

Fear is a very timid emotion. It cannot face itself nor will it allow the mind to progress forward. It will stall all the activities of the mind and it shouts louder than the soul voice. The soul voice should be guiding you instead the fear drowns that voice in it's loudest roar!!

The irony of all this is that externally the person experiencing fear may appear calm and composed while harnessing the feelings of self-defeat and fear! These are monsters who need to be controlled with the strength of the mind. As the common proverb goes, "A coward dies a 1000 deaths before really dying". This is a profound statement explaining the state of the mind experiencing fear.  One must develop the mental strength to overcome fear. 

Consider the fear of the unknown. This can consume a person and force him to do un-necessary actions. When a student knows that he has not prepared for the exam, he would be afraid to face the consequences. In response, the person can act irrationally. The story of the "hare" and "tortoise" shows that fear of losing can make a person to act in haste. The hare ran fast initially to cover larger distance in the fear of losing,  then he became over-confident and fell asleep on the path a few steps from the crossing line. The turtle on the other hand steadily chugged along the shortest path and finished first. There is no fear in the actions of the turtle but the emotion of fear of losing got the better our of the hare.

Innovation and new growth happens in a happy state of mind. Good thoughts and positive outcomes are the result of good intentions. It requires lot of mind control to make the mind to focus on the good rather than live in fear! Living in fear is the worst form of punishment one can give oneself! Fear of death can consume the best portions of your life. Be brave to face the consequences of your actions.  If not "the fear of the unknown" monster will eat you for breakfast! Conquer the monster that says we have to do something to feel good! (addictions) Focus on constructive activities like building legos, cooking a good meal when the fear of getting left out creeps in! Your mind is the master, be the master !!

Face everything and rise (FEAR)!!


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