The conundrum of living a meaningful life

The conundrum of living a meaningful life We are always striving to live a better life, serving a higher purpose in the process. Engineering and arts are very similar in their professions. There is always a chance of branching out in a new direction. You can carve your niche in different ways in both the fields. First there is the necessity to earn a living. If earning a living can also bring in fun that would be wonderful! But there are so many obstacles in that path. It is never too easy to walk on glass pieces with a smile! We have to pull our courage and strength together to get through this portion. Lots of management skills are developed as we try to balance the home and the work life and the process of earning a living and having it all! No wonder you see so many people having it all and pulling it through. Moving forward and pushing through all the obstacles is the only way out of this tunnel. But there is one sacrifice that people make in the process that is the happiness...